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04 May 2010

Why go after "hardened" targets... the United States... when multi-culti Canada has basically bent over and grabbed its ankles?
-- PAKISTAN -- Hakimullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistan Taliban, calls on supporters to attack US cities in two video messages broadcast at the weekend.

Experts with IntelCenter, which monitors terrorist groups for law enforcement agencies, said the footage suggests that the cells may already be active.
My guess is, it'll only take a few very public failures like Times Square to cause jihadis to cast a weather eye at Canadian targets. Not much of a downside here for them... and they can "justify" it by fulminating about the Canadian military presence in Afghanistan.

And the headlines will certainly be as much as they could hope for. In fact, tactically... it makes way more sense to come after us.


RELATED: The death penalty...

...if it's good enough for Timothy McVeigh...
He did admit to all the charges, so to speak," the source said, adding that investigators were still looking into his activities during a recent trip to Pakistan.
Meanwhile back at the Whitehouse... President McBrainwave puts it into high gear...
President Barack Obama said the investigation would seek to determine if the suspect in custody had any connection with foreign extremist groups.
Yeah, you work on that... while you're also trying to negotiate a plea bargain deal for Omar Khadr.


LAST WORD: Just like Omar, right?
-- KARACHI, Pakistan -- The suspect in a Times Square bombing attempt attended a terrorist training camp in Pakistan, U.S. law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

One official said Tuesday that Shahzad told the FBI about his training.
Kinda sounds like he might not have been an A student.