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16 May 2010

That must be why, they call it...

..."Stockholm Syndrome"...
Police arrested two suspects after an attempted fire-bomb attack on the home of a Swedish cartoonist. The suspects, whose names have not been made public, were due to see a judge on Monday who will decide whether or not to charge them.

An Al-Qaeda front organisation then offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who murdered Vilks -- with an extra 50,000 if his throat was slit -- and 50,000 dollars for the death of Nerikes Allehanda editor-in-chief Ulf Johansson.
That's some "Religion of Peace."


RELATED: Can't live with 'em...

...can't behead 'em...
BCF promises "lots of fatwas and crappy prizes."
Let the cataclysmic cartoonery commence!