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21 May 2010

"One of these days, Alice... to the moon!"

More empty rhetoric from Shrillary & the McDreamy administration...
While it was “premature” to discuss exact options or actions that will be taken in response, Ms. Clinton said it was “important to send a clear message to North Korea that provocative actions have consequences.”
Yeah, listen up Crazy Dwarf... you guys don't stop doing bad things we're gonna tell Uncle Bunky on you... again.
It's a crude analogy... but after years of ineffectual "statements" & "warnings"... the fractious offspring of the United Nations do indeed have Daddy's number.
Don't believe me? I've got 800,000 Tutsis that'll testify... wait a minute...


RELATE: Speaking of cheap theatrics...

...maybe unions should stick to picketing...
"Here's a bulletin for all you union boyos and gals: We taxpayers don't pay taxes so you can have jobs. We pay taxes to obtain services."

"If someone other than unionized public employees can deliver those services cheaper, that is better value for money. I say go for it."
Amen, brother.