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10 May 2010

Just another reason... vote Conservative...
The report said that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews will table a bill Tuesday that would overhaul the pardon-granting system to make it all but impossible for repeat violent offenders to obtain a pardon.

The proposed new law is intended to put an end to what the government considers a "rubber stamp" for pardon applications.
Now, if we could only see some action on that serial killer pension plan.


"Serial killer pension plan - make them pay room & board as they would if they were in nursing homes. Why should they get a better deal than other seniors?"
Well, Frances... I'm not so sure I'd use "senior care" as a baseline...
The Ontario government is helping to break its own laws when it lets nursing homes leave elderly residents lying for hours in urine-soaked diapers, according to a legal opinion prepared for the Ontario Federation of Labour.
Maybe we should start treating Granny at least as well as our pampered convicts.