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05 May 2010

I, for one, am just a little apprehensive...

...about our new silicon overlords...
If your Bell-supplied Mi-Fi cellular Wi-Fi modem died yesterday, here’s why: The batteries in some MiFi 2372 units are swelling and causing malfunctions.

Bell, in order to keep you from using the modem, has reached into your device from afar and remotely disabled it. Between 10PM and 11.59PM Eastern on May 3rd (last night), all units were killed.
Remote kill capability, huh? In something as innocuous as a modem?

Does that mean that Dalton McGuinty can reach out and turn off my electricity through that shiny new "smart meter" they just installed on the side of my house? I seem to recall something about them being able to shut off heavy loads like air-conditioners or furnaces.

Hmmm... maybe I'd better get out there and cut a little more wood.


RELATED: Ontario's smart meter program

Still a few flies in the ointment?