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06 May 2010

"Hope, Change and..."

"...which one of you idiots left the front door wide open?"
-- "Confessed terrorist Faisal Shahzad was removed from the Department of Homeland Security travel lookout list." --
Are you fucking kidding me? This has to be a joke.

And speaking of jokes...
-- WASHINGTON -- Law enforcement officials decided not to call all airlines directly on Monday to tell them an important name had been added to the government's "no-fly" list, even as investigators pursued the man they suspected was the Times Square bomber.
Who was heading up this investigation... Captain Peewee Herman?


RELATED: Suckass political correctness...'s a killer.


LAST WORD: In the back door...
Shahzad reported on Oct. 20, 2008, that he had married Huma Asif Mian, a U.S. citizen. He became naturalized as a U.S. citizen six months later, taking an oath of allegiance.

Soon after Shahzad took that oath and got his U.S. passport -- and no longer had to pass muster in the eyes of U.S. immigration and law enforcement officials -- he reportedly traveled to Peshawar.
Easy as apple pie.