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10 May 2010

Hanoi Jane, once again...

...jumps to defend Libs and poor little "derided CBC viewer"...
But, wait a minute... who is this mysterious viewer?
-- Ms. Pynenburg is also the vice-president of the National Women’s Liberal Commission and “a proud member of Canadians Rallying to Unseat Stephen Harper (CRUSH), a radical anti-Stephen Harper group.” --
Yup... there's the way to dispel talk of a CBC/Liberal Party alliance.


RELATED: Your money... their friends
It is beyond the pale that CBC consistently engages in political information and analysis from a Liberal-backing pollster in response to a Liberal-inspired question with no disclosure and certainly no apologies afterwards.

It would almost be comical if CBC was not the recipient of over one billion dollars per year from Canadian taxpayers.
Funny how that works, huh?