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09 May 2010

Did you know that...

... the guy in charge of Ontario Hydro makes 2.1 million dollars per year? Or that the last two people in charge of this boondoggle were fired after being embroiled in financial scandals?

No wonder they have to keep raising the price of electricity.
The two biggest hikes Ontarians face on their hydro bills at the moment are a 12% increase in the regulated electricity price approved by the Ontario Energy Board, which took effect May 1 and will raise rates to consumers by 8%-9.5%, plus another 8% hike July 1, when Ontario’s new Harmonized Sales Tax comes into effect.

The HST will also increase the price of gasoline by 8%, as well as the price of natural gas and oil used for home heating, which again has nothing to do with putting a price on carbon dioxide emissions.

Ontario’s multi-billion-dollar subsidy of wind and solar power — which basically means forcing consumers to pay more than the market price for electricity — is just starting to kick into hydro rates and will have a major upward impact in future.

Energy experts predict the cost of electricity in Ontario is going to skyrocket by about 25% by the end of next year.
Alberta's starting to look better by the day.


RELATED: Ask a Liberal Finance Minister

Say, Dwight... whose riding is that anyway?
"Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending an untendered, $81-million contract for an energy centre built to power a casino in Windsor."
Your money... their friends.