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02 May 2010

Ask an Obamite

“We’re taking this very seriously,” Napolitano told CNN’s State of the Union program. “We’re treating it as if it could be a potential terrorist attack.”
A "POTENTIAL" terrorist attack, Janet? As opposed to what, you genius... an elfish prank?

Even if, by some freak chance, this turned out to be the "Deer Jawbone Militia" from Bumf*ck, Arkansas... by what incredible stretch of the imagination is this not a terrorist attack?

Sit back & relax America... your security is obviously in good hands.


MONDAY UPDATE: Another lightning response...
Separately, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs also characterized the incident for the first time as an attempted act of terrorism.

"I would say that was intended to terrorize, and I would say that whomever did that would be categorized as a terrorist," Gibbs said, sharpening the administration's tone.

RELATED: It's a brave, new world
Canada has issued a travel warning for India's capital, New Delhi, saying there is a possibility of an attack soon in market areas frequented by foreigners.
Oh well... another destination struck off the vacation list.