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27 April 2010

You can't really blame Iggy...

...he hasn't lived here long enough to know our laws...
"The Liberals promised Canadian gun owners that REGISTRATION WOULD NOT EQUAL CONFISCATION!

However, letters sent out last month by the RCMP ordering legal owners to turn in their firearms for destruction, without compensation, within 30 days gives proof of the lie contained within that particular Liberal 'promise'.”
Just spitballin' here... but maybe, just maybe... the primary targets of a 2 billion dollar bureacratic wet dream... shouldn't actually be farmers, skeet shooters & duck hunters.

Just a thought.


RELATED: "Digging Graves" syndrome
"Now that I’m done watching the National, I better turn the channel. The Hour is on and its George on George. Strombo woopin up the audience for his next guest, George Galloway."
Time to choose sides folks.