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09 April 2010

Yes, Michael... shameless media whore... if only he had thought to use the "time machine"...
Mr. Ignatieff also focused on the fact that Mr. Harper was publicly standing by Ms. Guergis just 24 hours ago. "It raises questions about the Prime Minister's judgment."
No Iggy... it only raises questions about how willfully deceitful you are...
Mr. Harper said he became aware of new allegations against Ms. Guergis last night.
And, oh yeah, Professor Highhorse... that would be the "allegations" he promptly reported to the RCMP.

Who exactly, besides Jane Taber & Bob Fife, can get behind this shameful piece of theatre?

Hmmm... here's a thought... what would a non-Liberal say?
-- OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper is winning praise from experts for the way he handled the “salacious” controversies surrounding former cabinet minister Helena Guergis.

Ian Capstick, a communications consultant and former NDP staffer, says he doesn’t see any other time at which Harper could have fired Guergis, despite a well-publicized tantrum at a Prince Edward Island airport and ongoing bad publicity over her husband.

“You don’t lose your job because of salacious gossip, you lose your job because you did something wrong.”