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21 April 2010

Yeah... I'm with the Governor-General

Let's free the they can go out and find the real murderers...
Seriously, Michaëlle... we could have "prevented" it? 'Cos I'm thinkin'... not without air support and a couple hundred thousand boots on the ground.
"Beginning on April 6, 1994, and for the next hundred days, up to 800,000 Tutsis were killed by Hutu militia using clubs and machetes, with as many as 10,000 killed each day."
Maybe while she's in the mood... the GG should apologise to Ujjal Dosanjh as well...
Mr. Dosanjh, who was savagely beaten in Vancouver in 1985 after speaking out against religious violence, said Canadian multiculturalism has allowed extremism to take root in Sikh and other ethnic communities.
Two different things, you say?

Only in scale, my friends, only in scale.


"Apparently, according to lefties, overwhelming force, on the ground force projection, and steadfast focus on the end goal works everywhere else, and on every other regime, except in Iraq and Afstan."
C'mon... I'm sure Michaëlle picked up all kinds of valuable military expertise... in her previous job at the CBC.


RELATED: Live and don't learn
That makes some military officers queasy, however. They remember Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire being forced in 1994 to watch the swelling of genocidal killings in Rwanda because of declining troop numbers and waffling UN orders.
Again? Seriously?