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26 April 2010

Undiplomatic Relations

-- SANAA -- Ambassador Tim Torlot is safe, UK officials confirmed. One person - believed to be the attacker - was killed.

Western embassies in Yemen are no strangers to attacks. Militants used car bombs and rocket-propelled grenades in a co-ordinated assault on the US embassy last year.
But enough actual news... let's change the channel back to Ignatieff and company and their unwavering focus on "Canadian war criminals."


RELATED: We feel for ya, pal..

...but I'm guessing 10.5 million dollars eases the pain just a little bit...
-- MONTREAL -- Despite his aspirations to above all live a "normal" life in which he would work "like everyone else," Maher Arar can't help but actively work for human rights since, according to him, Canada continues to scorn them, citing the case of Omar Khadr.
Yup... just your typical Canadian citizen.


LAST WORD: How'd that jingle go?

Oh yeah... "A little dab'll do ya."