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06 April 2010

The siren song of bloody jihad

...not as far away as you might think...
Bergamini says he heard one of them say, “Open the trunk,” as another reached in and allegedly pulled out a machete. The men began to run, being chased by a machete-wielding attacker.

Klibanov told the Citizen that the weapon was nearly a foot from hitting Bergamini’s neck. “These people must have been Carleton students because I recognized one of them.”
Reading, writing and removing appendages... coming soon to a neighourhood near you.


RELATED: CJC goes absolutely apeshit, right?

Well... not exactly...
"So we have an actual crime with an actual weapon. And Rudner is calling for not the enforcement of the criminal code, but more censorship?"
So much for... "never again."


LAST WORD: What I love about Kathy...

...she's not afraid to ask the bigger question...
"If faced with an Arabic speaking individual showing off his machete, do I get the Catholic Human Rights League to 'help' me talk to the cops?"
You go girl.