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08 April 2010

Professional Journalists...

...our moral & intellectual superiors. So anyway... I'm looking over some recent posts and what pops up

WTF... that can't be right, can it?

So Tom... lemme get this straight... you're what, challenging me to a duel? And if I don't drop what I'm doing and make a 6 hour round trip to the Center of the Universe to pick up the gauntlet, I'm not... in your opinion as a professional journalist... a real man? 

Seriously? I've gotta ask, Tom... is this your brainwave... or is there some overly enthusiastic rookie editor from Sun Media workin' on that bottle of tequila with you? 

 Here's a thought... you could always try insulting & baiting someone local... like say, Kathy Shaidle... but Tom, I'm tellin' you... you get her angry, she'll pull your head off and crap in the hole

The upside for the paper would be that Kathy could then take over your job... bringing her sizeable blog readership to the Sun. And hey, you'll have to forgive me... I obviously haven't been following your writing as closely as you've been following mine

 Truth be told... I've never even heard of you before now. Still, it does answer the question of the lengthy daily visits from Sun Media I noticed on my sitemeter of late. 

Anyway, Tom... thanks for taking an interest here. I sure hope you have better luck drumming up an audience over at Liblogs. 

FROM THE COMMENTS: An update from Natasha...

"That "Tom Brodbeck" is a phony. He was pissing around my site too."

Ah... that would explain a few things. 

It seems our progressive, intellectual friends from the leftosphere are up to their old tricks... forging comments on the net. Perhaps Tom has a subject for his next column.