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23 April 2010

Now, if they wanted to be on the...

...absolutely authentic bleeding edge... they could have had a female character trying to throw off her burqa.

Wait a minute... how does that actually work out in the real world

Okay... scrap the burqa thing... let's get back to Riverdale... I just have one question here. How do you think all the little gay boys devouring Archie comics are gonna feel about "hunky" Kevin Keller? We blow our collective pinko brains out trying to prevent our daughters from being brainwashed by scantily-clad rockstar and supermodel stereotypes... but our sons are fair game? C'mon Peace Moonbeam... what's that about?

RELATED:   When propaganda goes wrong...
"Within days, if not hours, Liberal MPPs had constituents calling their offices to complain that the province wanted to explain anal sex to eight-year-olds."
I don't know why the Liberals recanted here... it kinda fits right in with Premier McSlippery's infamous "crack-pipe" initiative.