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29 April 2010

"Not in my ocean, er... backyard!"

Opposition to the proposal from Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who died in August, had been a major thorn in the Obama administration’s side in advancing the project.

The project has also made for some strange bedfellows. Cape Wind is backed by both Greenpeace and the United States Chamber of Commerce.

It has been opposed perhaps most prominently by members of the Kennedy family. Senator Kennedy was a longtime sailor on Nantucket Sound and fought the project up until he died.
Anybody know where the Goreacle stood on this one?


As 'Instapundit' says: "I'll believe there is a crisis when those who are telling us there is a crisis ACT like there is a crisis."

RELATED: Green around the gills
The response to the unfolding woes has been to re-focus the Party from encouraging and supporting local organising at the grassroots level, to making electing Elizabeth May the sole priority of the Party.

The means to enable this strategic shift have entailed some very risky shell games with our money and Party.
And the pan flute played on.


LAST WORD: Big Mother has landed