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18 April 2010

MSM wants to have it both ways

That's funny... just last week nobody was talking presumption of innocence... they were all, to a man, just screeching non-stop about hookers & blow.

Looks like they've suddenly had an epiphany...
But there's a larger issue here, the presumption of innocence, which has been thrown under the bus along with them. And for that, the prime minister bears a responsibility of his own.
Hang on a sec... wasn't this whole story all about Stephen Harper refusing to act on this matter?

Now that's he's acted... it's about "tossing someone under the bus"?


How stupid do they think we are?


RELATED: Ask a private investigator
He said they discussed allegations against Gillani, an occasion when Jaffer and Guergis apparently dined with Gillani, and a gesture Gillani apparently made, holding up his cellphone, implying he had potentially incriminating photographic evidence of the former power couple.
Hey... it was enough for Michael Ignatieff & Jack Layton to go absolutely apeshit in the media last week.

Imagine... he held up his cellphone.

No wonder all the so-called professional journalists are backstroking as fast as they can.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Looks like Ignatieff is...

...late to the party... again...
-- OTTAWA -- Michael Ignatieff is drawing a link between disgraced former cabinet minister Helena Guergis and organized crime.
And they say Iggy is the smart one.