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24 April 2010

Less than meets the eye

Is it possible that Nazim Gillani had a rabbit up his sleeve all this time?
-- OTTAWA -- The man who connected Mr. Gillani with Mr. Jaffer agreed to speak publicly for the first time to explain why he believes his fast-talking cousin’s boastfulness is really to blame for the Guergis-Jaffer affair.
Well... boastfulness AND duplicity...
In an e-mail that Mr. Gillani wrote that day to potential investors, he called Mr. Jaffer the “Canadian government money access point” and he described his cousin, who also came to the steakhouse meeting, as part of a something called “the Garfunkel Group.” Mr. Lakhani said Friday that the “Garfunkel Group” doesn’t exist, and his cousin must have made it up.

“I don’t know what it is that motivated him,” he said. “That’s the kind of falsities in which he operated in to do his business. ... I’m a victim too.”
Sounds like Michael Ignatieff's star witness has some 'splainin to do.


"You mean this whole thing is based on lies and innuendo concocted by a known liar and a way too gullible media?"

"Who would have thunk it?"
Who indeed? Not, apparently... Michael Ignatieff.