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26 April 2010

In David Miller's Socialist Paradise...'s apparently every spineless little shit for himself...
-- TORONTO -- An elderly man who cried out for help as he was being mugged on a Toronto subway train received no assistance from other commuters, police said Monday.

It was not immediately clear how many people were on the train or why they ignored the plight of the 79-year-old victim.
But hey... it's not a total loss... apparently the intrepid locals were able to supply a crackerjack description to the constabulary...
"The suspects are believed to be in their 20s."
Uh huh... they really call this place Toronto the Good? I sure don't get it.
It’s an act that could save lives, but Torontonians are the least likely in the province to register to become an organ donor, according to a recent report.

UPDATE: Shame on them all
“They just grabbed me and took my wallet out from my pocket,” Mr. Hizel told City-TV Monday. “I screamed to the passengers but they ignored it. The train was almost half full.”

UPDATE2: Note to Globe & Mail... need a new reporter... looks like there was a descripton of the suspects after all...
The victim, who Const. Drummond described as "spry," attempted to activate the Passenger Assistance Alarm, but could not reach it. The two men, both described only as black men in their 20s wearing all-black clothing, grabbed the man and took his wallet.
And yes, Dawg... if it's relevant when poor black youths are gunned down by the "systemically racist" Toronto Police... it's relevant when they mug an octogenarian.


RELATED: Just spitballin' here, but...

...does it have anything to do with drugs?
-- FORT MCMURRAY -- Alberta's Somali community is accusing the province's justice minister of "playing political games" by refusing to set up a task force to find out why so many young Somali-Canadians have died violently in the province.

A 19-year-old who was facing drug charges became the latest Somali murder victim on the weekend in the oilsands town of Fort McMurray, a hotbed for the illegal drug trade.
Just more fun & games.