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30 April 2010

Hang on a second... is anybody else...

...smelling smoke?
-- BRUSSELS -- Muslims, academics and human rights groups have hit out at a looming public ban in Belgium on the full face veil. The vote on Thursday was almost unanimous with 134 MPs in support of the law and just two abstentions.

The law, which still needs to be passed by Belgium's senate, will be imposed in streets, public gardens and sports grounds or buildings "meant for public use or to provide services" to the public.

"We're the first country to spring the locks that have made a good number of women slaves, and we hope to be followed by France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands; countries that think," said Denis Ducarme, a liberal deputy.
This is gonna be interesting.


RELATED: In other sharia-type news
Some witnesses said police rescued him and took him to a nearby hospital, only for the crowd to break in to the intensive care unit, drag him out and continue to beat him.

The mob is reported to have stripped him down to his underpants, driven his body through the streets on a car bonnet, and then hung him from a pole in the centre of the village with onlookers crying "Allahu Akbar" or God is Great.
Who needs pesky lawyers & judges?


LAST WORD: Maybe they should call it...

...the "Religion of Blowing Shit Up"...
Two bomb blasts ripped through a mosque in Somalia's capital Saturday, killing at least 30 people and wounding up to 70 others.

No one claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack. It was the second bomb attack on a mosque in Bakara this week.

A landmine explosion near a different mosque Tuesday killed one person.
I got nuthin'.