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20 April 2010

C'mon folks... have a little sympathy

If you'd lived outside the country for three and a half decades... you might not be familiar with... the way things usually work either...
"In his remarks, the Liberal Leader said his caucus would not support Tory MP Candice Hoeppner’s legislation to abolish the registry; the vote will be whipped, which is unusual for a private member’s bills as MPs are allowed to vote their conscience."
Hey, Iggy... is that how they did it down at Hah-vuhd?


Me: “Hello, I’m not a criminal so I have to report to you that I’ve moved.”

Constable on duty: “Huh?”

Me: “I legally own a rifle so I have to report to you that I’ve moved.”

Constable on duty: “Who said you have to do this?”

Me: “Your boss Chief Jack Ewatsky and Prime Minister Chretien.”

Constable on duty: “Well, I… uh are you sure?”
Can we have our 2 billion dollars back now?

(via ffof)


LAST WORD: Scratch a Liberal...

...find Big Mother...
"Since the Dog Owners Liability Act was enacted in 2005, pit bulls have killed fewer Ontarians than former attorney general Michael Bryant."
I'm just waiting for the inevitable crackdown on farm animals.