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27 April 2010

Call the B.C. Liberal government...

...for assistance with a mentally-ill child... lose all your kids...
"We're a lot better at it than we were 10 years ago," said Coleman. "We've actually gone to a different form of contract management that is saving us a lot of money that we can actually put back into services for people.
You mean like foster care?
"Social workers, along with the RCMP, then came to take all three of the younger children and put them in foster homes. Leah said she believes the government is paying $6,000 a month for her son's foster care, which she said infuriates her."
And, bear in mind, that's not the child that precipitated the problem.

See Rich... not to put too fine a point on it... the outcome here suggests you're either an idiot... or, well... er... that's all I've got.

Snatching up three other kids... and leaving the violent, mentally-ill adult child with the distraught parents... that's just cruel & dangerous... not to mention expensive.

Who actually wins here?