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07 April 2010

Blowing in the wind?

Remember when Winston Churchill threatened to join forces with the Einsatzgruppen... if we didn't really, really start kissing his ass? --

Yeah... me neither.
At the meeting, Mr. Karzai stepped up his anti-Western statements, according to a Parliament member who attended but spoke on condition of anonymity.

“If you and the international community pressure me more, I swear that I am going to join the Taliban.”
I guess Hamid Karzai just figures he's in the catbird seat...
"And even if we found him with his hand in the cookie jar, what could we do about it? I mean, imagine that for a moment: we catch Karzai himself personally corrupt. Then what?"
Hmmm... that doesn't sound hopeful. Maybe President McDreamy had better start warming up the tele-prompter.


UPDATE: That'd sure explain a few things
"Some of the palace insiders say that he has a certain fondness for some of Afghanistan’s most profitable exports," said Galbraith, in an apparent reference to opium or heroin."


LAST WORD: The Prime Minister reacts...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has upbraided Afghan President Hamid Karzai for threatening to throw in his lot with the Taliban.

“I have not seen the context of President Karzai's remarks, but what I have seen reported is completely unacceptable,” Mr. Harper told reporters.
Hamid, baby... put down the pipe.