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13 April 2010

Be still my heart

In amongst the "whale funerals", all that "Jibber-Jaffer" and hypnotising people over Skype... there's some actual news...
He allegedly compared his terrorism plans to the London bombing, saying: "Our thing, it's much, much greater on the scale. You do it once and you make sure they never recover again."
Think it couldn't happen here? Think again.
-- NEW YORK -- Pakistani authorities are holding a fourth suspect in the alleged plot last summer to bomb trains on the New York City subway, U.S. law-enforcement officials said.

Among the suspected targets were trains at Grand Central and Times Square, where there are near-constant throngs of commuters and tourists.
These are the folks who want to take your useless, infidel life.

Are you paying attention yet?


"People love a story with big breasts."
They surely do.