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09 April 2010

Anybody else here in Ontario...

...curious about the recent deluge of commercials where the obligatory diverse slew of people announce why they are willing to pay more for their electricity?

Well, surprise, surprise... the McGuinty government wants you to bend over and grab your ankles... again...
Residential customers in Ontario will pay $300 more a year on average for electricity by the end of 2011, an increase of 25 per cent, according to energy consultants.
Now, I won't go into the all too predictable malarkey about making the world a better place... suffice it to say... techology apparently ain't gonna save us all this go around...
And the rate increases won’t end there. Investments of more than $8-billion in green energy projects unveiled by the Ontario government Thursday will add another $60 a year to hydro bills by 2012.
Curiously... no mention is made of the 2 million dollar plus salary of the guy running the whole shebang. Geez... isn't that about 10 times what the Prime Minister makes?

Funny how that works, huh?


RELATED: Guess who hit the jackpot?
Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending an untendered, $81-million contract for an energy centre built to power a casino in Windsor.
Hmmm... whose riding it that, anyway?

Oh yeah.


"As they say about alternative medicine: there is no such thing. It either works, which means it isn't alternative, or it doesn't, which means it isn't medicine. Replace 'medicine' with 'power source'."
"Is there something about electricity generation that somehow technology and productivity curves seem to be running backwards? Electricity should be cheaper than dirt."
Preachin' to the choir, my friends.