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23 April 2010

"Accurate" information? Seriously?

So when Hanoi Jane Taber teams up with National Liberal Fund director Adam Smith... to rage against deconstruction of the 2 billion dollar "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"... why exactly do they lead off with a picture of a prohibited assault rifle with an illegal 30 round clip?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here... but I'm thinkin' that's not the firearm of choice for any of the farmers, duck hunters or skeet shooters that I know.
-- OTTAWA -- “That’s why it’s critical that we respond with a targeted campaign of our own. Canadians need 'ACCURATE INFORMATION' about the changes we’ve proposed, and the MPs under attack need to know that the Liberals from coast to coast to coast are standing behind them.”
See guys... if you were actually interested in "accurate information", you could put up a shot of an ordinary deer rifle... or a .22 calibre plinker... but that's not really gonna whip up the fear, is it?

I guess we're just lucky you didn't try to photoshop in a bazooka... or a couple of hand grenades.


"Nice work... they changed the picture already ;^)"
Yup... they disappeared the "merchant of death" assault rifle picture... but no apology for a blatant attempt to gin up public hysteria.

Funny how that works, huh Janie?


RELATED: Iggy -- The Un-truth-ening
The jacket of the book trumpets a number of excerpts from newspaper critiques that leave the impression the tome won rave reviews when first published last spring.

Take this snippet from the National Post: "Plenty of scope for a rich story ... Some wonderful anecdotes, particularly about George P. Grant ... Well written."

In fact, the Post review in its entirety was far from laudatory.

"True Patriot Love offers little that is new on the Grants save some wonderful anecdotes, particularly about George P. Grant. As an exploration of patriotism, it offers up cliches about modern Canada but little more," wrote Post reviewer Robert L. Fraser.

"True Patriot Love is a well-written disappointment."
Wake up folks... and smell the manipulation.