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07 March 2010

Weasel Words 101

Now... and I'm just spitballin' here... maybe it's time to replace Peter Mansbridge et al. with folks a little more Don Cherry-ish...Remember the good ol' days... when the crazy sumbitch going apeshit... WITH THE SWORD... was simply & unequivocally the bad guy?

I just thank the gawds nobody had one of those nasty tasers.


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Milewski introduced the vaunted expert - "Amir Attaran is a law professor who's been digging deep into the Afghan file" - but he neglected to mention one niggling detail: Attaran is Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff's friend.
Funny how that works.


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"If there is a trial and he is convicted, he will be punished and his chances of release will be greatly reduced."
Slam the door on this psycho forever.