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20 March 2010

So, anyway, I almost scored me...

...a freezer load of fresh venison the other night.

Jacklighting? A little poaching you ask?

Nothing so exotic I'm afraid.

Driving home the other night, about 10:30, pushing 60... (yeah, screw kilometers)... nice dry roads, a touch of moonlight... must've zoned out a little, because the gawds suddenly dropped a largish doe smack onto the right side of my lane... heading inbound.

Didn't even have time to punch the horn... just pulled hard left... praying the deer would take the other tack. And fortunately for me... this time... she pulled up & wheeled back the other way.

Under these sorts of circumstances, country road, a little ditch cover... I'm usually consciously scanning for movement and eyeball shine... but I guess I just got sloppy.

Anyway... took a few seconds to get the ol' rectum unpuckered... but the rest of the drive was uneventful. Just got to thinking about it again after reading about that second avalanche deal out west and thought I'd share.

Some days, I guess, you just catch a break.

Other days... not so much.