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15 March 2010

Race-baiting socialists... rainbow-coloured, unicorn-powered clown car into ditch, yet again...
-- abc001 wrote:Posted 2010/03/15 at 9:08 AM ET -- I think this study is more about perceptions than facts. I am a visible minority and a muslim I have not felt any tangible discrimination against me despite being an immigrant. I think that we should be careful not to interpret every single misfortune or negative interaction as discrimination.

In fact, quite the opposite...I have found Canadians to be warm, friendly, good natured, cooperative and with a sense of humour. For those immigrants who complain..folks - just go on a small vacation to your country of origin and see the attitudes there.

Once in while, a druggie standing downtown may make a racist remark...and to me this does not count as that person is more marginalized than the immigrant!

Once in a while I do face serious stereotyping..since I am from India I must be good with computers...and my friend of chinese ethnicity must be good at accounting or violin...:-)

Relax folks. Canada is a great place !!
Attested by a visible minority Muslim :-)

PS: If anyone knows of a better place than Canada..please do let us know. We could all move there :-)
-- Steveston wrote:Posted 2010/03/15 at 11:23 AM ET -- Discrimination goes in many directions. I'm caucasian, but I speak Cantonese and Mandarin fluently.

Because I can understand the predominant languages around me, I hear things that most Canadians would be angry to hear. We are called foreigners in our own country, and the attitudes and comments against non-Chinese people are downright shocking. When I confront people with it, I'm told, "Well, you're not Chinese, so you can't understand that it's acceptable to speak that way in our culture."
The CBC... your money... their pinko world view.

Funny how often that tactic goes horribly wrong for them.


UPDATE: Welcome back, Nanny-State Overlords!
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RELATED: Of course, in fairness... ain't just the CBC...
There's also this... and this... and this... and this.
Good grief.