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09 March 2010

Paging Dr Dawg

Better get crackin', comrade... not everybody's stickin' to the party line...
-- WINNIPEG -- A brother of 28-year-old Eric Daniels, who was shot by Winnipeg police Saturday night in the West End while brandishing a machete, said he does not blame police for their actions.

“I’ve had enough of aboriginals blaming police and saying it’s racism. I’m aboriginal myself and I’m sick and tired of it,” he said.

“They’re forced to make these kinds of decisions. This is going to be weighing on the police officer’s conscience for the rest of his life.
There's a breath of fresh air.


RELATED: In other "special rights" news
It has long been clear in human rights jurisprudence that there is a hierarchy of prohibited grounds of discrimination; race and sex always trump, say, religion or age. We shall now await the formulation of a hierarchy of disability.
Oh Canada.