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17 March 2010

Naive Dipper Party finds out...

...what happens when they disappoint their Palestinian friends...
-- TORONTO -- Death threats against Parkdale-High Park MPP Cheri Di Novo over her criticism of Israeli Apartheid Week should not be tolerated, New Democratic Party Leader Andrea Horwath said Tuesday.
Tolerated? Seriously?

Hey Andrea... are you a "little put out"... a "tad miffed", perchance?
Di Novo, who is out of the country at a legislative assembly conference this week, has said she and her family have received threats and harassment over the phone since she supported Progressive Conservative MPP Peter Shurman’s motion condemning IAW on Feb. 25.

The issue has been an awkward one for the New Democrats, whose traditional support is staunchly pro-Palestinian.
Yeah... "awkward."

I guess that's one word for it.