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10 March 2010

Misogynous, racist Canadian official...

...wait a minute...
Immigration Minister Yolande James said yesterday she will not compromise in her refusal to allow students to cover their faces with Islamic niqabs or burqas in French classes.

"There is no ambiguity about this question," James told reporters. "If you want to assist at our classes, if you want to integrate into Quebec society, here are our values.

"We want to see your face."

James was reacting to a story about Naema Ahmed, a 29-year-old pharmacist from Egypt who left a French course for immigrants at CEGEP St. Laurent, rather than remove her niqab.

Ahmed says she wears the niqab of her own will, for religious reasons, although last year Egypt banned the wearing of niqabs in that country's universities.
Don't despair, Naema... I hear Yemen needs pharmacists.


"The number of women in Canada (or even France, with a substantial muslim population) who wear the burka or niqab is miniscule."

"Why not focus on other people who hide their faces?"
P.S. -- Our pinko friend is referring here to surgeons and, apparently... Ronald McDonald.

I got nuthin'.