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22 March 2010

Look... it's another endangered species...

...a Liberal with a conscience...
Many lifelong Liberals, like me, are disgusted with Rae and Dosanjh and their antics. Their agenda is to do whatever they can to attack the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, even if it means tarring the reputation of Canada and the Canadian Forces.

It’s odd, I’ve never heard Rae or Dosanjh expend the same amount of energy on matters related to the deaths of 136 soldiers and diplomats violently killed in Afghanistan. I don’t recall Dosanjh expressing any concerns for detainees when he was a Liberal Minister in the Paul Martin Cabinet that expanded our Afghan mission.

Mr. Rae and Mr. Dosanjh are pretend Liberals looking for the fastest way to the top. They ditched their NDP buddies when they were no longer convenient. Now, they are prepared to ditch the men and women of Afghanistan for their own political ends.

And that, my friends, is the END GAME.
Hey, Bobby...Ujjal... you wanna talk about war crimes? Are you sure about that?
The fact of the matter is that if Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Defence Minister Peter MacKay or General Rick Hillier are guilty of war crimes, then so are the soldiers that carried out those orders. It was established at Nuremberg that, “just following orders” was not a valid defence.

If the members of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition were so confident in their assertions that war crimes occurred, they would be joining Professor Michael Byers from UBC in asking the ICC to investigate Canada.

They don’t for two reasons, firstly to do so would rob them of a weapon to beat the government over head with during question period, secondly, the Liberals are smart enough to realize that the Canadian public would not take kindly to our own politicians accusing our own soldiers of war crimes.

A party that did so would not see power for some time.
Scratch a floor-crossing Dipper... find a snake in the grass.

I wonder if Michael Ignatieff is listening.