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26 March 2010

It's not like he's a known terrorist...

...who lied and scammed his way into law school...
Cop killer Clinton Gayle has yet to be deported to Jamaica. But Citizenship and Immigration Canada is throwing the book at the law-abiding Mallozzi family?

They say they were told to go ahead and buy a house, put down some roots because they would get their two-year extension that would put them in good stead to apply for landed immigrant status and eventual Canadian citizenship. They paid $321,000 for their townhouse and became proud Oakville taxpayers.
It seems pretty obvious we're not talking here about welfare-sucking refugee claimants... (or, more outrageously, a child serial killer)... who'll be a life-long drain on Canadian taxpayers. So what's the real deal here?
What a disgrace. As my immigration expert colleague Tom Godfrey says “it seems heavy-handed” and it looks like the system has got “its token white family for the year.”
More to the point... how do we treat people who follow the rules and don't break the law or try to game the system?
We kick an eight-year-old girl out of school while slugs such as Const. Todd Baylis’ murderer, Gayle, have access to all the free schooling he wants.

If we can cut loads of criminals slack we can extend some leniency here.
The thing is... we're in such a mad rush to deport the Mallozzi family... but we're gonna give this guy a free pass?
-- BRANTFORD -- A convicted terrorist ordered deported from Canada two decades ago is still living with his family in a modest semi-detached bungalow in Brantford.

Under orders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the then-25-year-old guerrilla fighter and another man hurled grenades and sprayed the plane with machine-gun fire.

RELATED: Charest's "hidden agenda"
So let's not get too excited about the latest Liberal initiative. Liberals can lie but they cannot hide behind a veil anymore. Our immigration policies need a fix that will guarantee us that we select immigrants based on their ability to work and contribute to our economy.
Hmmm... I'm not gonna hold my breath.