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12 March 2010

After the Fall

Hoepfully... somehow... we can find a way to avoid the fate of the self-detonating nanny-state Euroweenies...
"Or take Scotland. Most anywhere you go around the planet, from Hong Kong to Hudson's Bay, almost everything that works was created and developed by Scotsmen."

"Now the whole joint's a statist swamp where government spending accounts for 75 percent of the economy and the menfolk idle away their days on a diet of drugs and fried Mars Bars with a life expectancy in the less salubrious parts of Glasgow getting down to West African standards."

"They'll never make any contribution to the world again."
Truly... there isn't a day I don't wake up and think... "Thank gawd my parents got on that big silver boat to Montreal."

Of course... you're never really out of the woods, are you?


RELATED: And John Bull wept...
She should move to Canada where obesity is a medical disability and sue the government (meaning the taxpayers) for the $750.00 a week in extra benefits. It's her human right!
I couldn't even bring myself to click on the link.