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22 February 2010

With friends like this...

...who needs feudal 14th century theocracies?
-- Riyadh -- Saudi Arabia is planning to bring in a new law to allow women lawyers to argue cases in court for the first time.
Which begs the question... what have female Saudi lawyers been doing up 'til now... their male colleague's laundry?

That's actually a pretty good possibility...
Under a system of male guardianship, Saudi Arabian women are required to be kept separate from men they are not related to.

All are veiled to a greater or lesser degree in public, they are not allowed to drive, and women under 45 must receive permission from a male when they travel.

Opportunities for education and employment are also dependent on male guardianship.
Hmmm... aren't the media always touting Saudi Arabia as "the progressive one?"


RELATED: Never mind the Saudis...

...the real enemy of gender equality is right under our noses...
"Apparently, Stephen Harper is not just hell-bent on oppressing women in foreign countries, but is quietly tying the apron strings around our little ankles here at home."

LAST WORD: Case closed
"The world has not been impoverished by the death of Mahmoud Mabhouh."
Now... where do we find that Osama dude?