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19 February 2010

Spoiled multi-millionaire dilettante...

...says therapy has made him realise he wasn't the perfect husband...
Since then, he has been linked to 19 mistresses, fined for careless driving, separated from his wife, left professional golf, lost several endorsement contracts and sought treatment for a sexual addiction.
C'mon, buddy... don't be too hard on yourself... who hasn't been caught between the sheets with 19, er... well, shit... I sure hope your wife has a damn good ob/gyn.

And hey, there's nothing like having a strong religious background to light the way, huh?
Mr. Woods said he is turning back to Buddhism, noting he was raised in the religion by his mother.
Yup... that worked out pretty good for ya, didn't it? Heck... nice to know though... you'll always have mummy.

I can see where all those values came from.