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12 February 2010

Some days I just feel old

Talk about deja-vu...
"One time I saw David wearing earphones while typing on his laptop. The screen was divided into four windows: one for Word, one for MSN messenger, and two different YouTube videos (one was a song that he had playing through the headphones, and the other was 'How to build a paper hang glider'.")

"And the dog was sleeping on his lap."
Earlier this year, after establishing a few ground rules, we allowed 13 year-old Neophyte to open up a Facebook account. I was astonished at how quickly he was buried under a pile of friend requests.

It seems today's teens & tweens have absolutely no reluctance to embrace all that technology has to offer. It's a little bit of a shock... this is a kid whose favourite baby toy was a curly piece of telephone cord.

And it isn't just computers... Techno-boy been converting his favourite YouTube videos to little operettas that constantly throb & hum on his Ipod-o-sauraus... a smallish, infernal contraption that for all intents & purposes, might as well be surgically implanted in the base of his skull.

My latest discovery is that, apparently, we are the Luddite parents in his circle of friends... he's now campaigning for a cellphone.

So much for the simple days of a boy and his dog.


"I don't consider myself a Luddite, just a guy who has seen it all before; being able to read a blog while camping in Algonquin Park doesn't wow me. It makes me sad."

"Of course, I was up until 3 am this morning googling how to use a certain brush technique for Paint Shop Pro, downloading some pics from Project Gutenberg to merge for some "art", while listening to first the Sabres game, then a ripped CD that I was loading onto my iPod."
Our modern world.