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02 February 2010

Paging Michael Moore

Hey, Tubby... what's that you were saying about the wonderful, free Canadian healthcare system?


RELATED: Ezra has more...
There is nothing wrong with Chretien wanting the very best in health care for his family -- even better care than he thinks he can get in Canada.

And there is probably nothing wrong with him spending tax dollars to fly to these international clinics. For security reasons alone, the prime minister should not have to fly on regular, commercial flights like the rest of us.

But it is wrong for Chretien to avail his family of private, U.S. health care while condemning Alberta for wanting to provide that same quality of care to all our citizens.

"Well, I've always said, we already have two-tiered medicare in Canada. The second tier is just 100 miles south or so."
Yup... just ask Buh-linda.


LAST WORD: Sucker-punching "The One"
Although the latest version of Mr. Obama's plan does not include a state-run health plan for Americans under 65, the U.S. right has warned further government involvement in the American system would lead to “Canadian-style” rationing and wait times.