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16 February 2010

Oh, thank goodness... it was just...

...that evil, knuckle-dragging Stephen Harper... again.

Another First Nations spending scandal?

That was then...
Most recently, the school's senior financial officer was fired days after excoriating senior administration for taking inappropriate leave payments and filing inflated expense reports.
This is now...
“I felt that there was a lack of understanding in how important this institution is,” he said. “I'm leery of vindictive-type responses from the federal government. It was almost like they wanted prove a point based on partisan politics and short-term decision-making.”
Yes... of course.


"This is what I have to say to Mr. Lonechild, 'This is the year 2010 AD, people expect accountability. Look on the bright side, if it were 1610 AD and a Chief was stealing from the tribe he'd be stabbed in a variety of unsavory places with a stone knife'."
Accountability... personal responsibility... I remember those things.