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17 February 2010

Oh, man... a little bit of "Hitler youth"...

...and everybody's all over your ass... go figure...
The letter, which was made available to Reuters by a source familiar with the initiative, is extremely rare because in the past it has mostly been Jewish groups and not Catholic academics who have written to popes about the issue.

The 18 Catholic scholars from United States, Germany and Australia, used the word “implore” twice in the letter, saying that if Pius was made a saint before the historical record is cleared up, it could irreparably harm Catholic-Jewish relations.
Of course, it isn't just Pius who has a bit of a sketchy past.
Benedict, a German who was drafted into the Hitler Youth and German army as a teenager during the Second World War, has had a more difficult relationship with the Jewish community than his predecessor Pope John Paul.
Geez... just can't figure where that animosity might've come from.

Meanwhile, in other Catholic-related news... yikers!!!


"It has always seemed to me that 'Fucked If I Know' and 'It's All Because of a Giant Invisible Thing Whose Existence Can Neither Be Proved Nor Understood' express precisely the same thought in two different dialects, except ours is simpler."
Oh, you blasphemous unbeliever... may you be touched by his Noodly Appendage.
