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20 February 2010

Maybe, just maybe... Gawd-Lite ain't...

...gettin' the job done...
For some, a major attraction of Islam is the religion’s, er, aggressive aspect. There’s no messing around with Mo; he runs a tough shop, which might explain the high number of prison conversions.

By comparison, your Jesus-based faiths are a little low on testosterone...

"Catholicism used to be the sort of Church you’re talking about, Tim. I remember one Jesuit prefect of discipline who could have passed for Brian Dennehy’s tougher big brother, if Dennehy had only manned up a bit."

"These days the freaking hymns are in keys straight men and large dogs can’t even hear."
richard mcenroe of USfreakingA!
Sun 21 Feb 10 (04:12am)
Worth the read.


LAST WORD: I know... let's ask a celeb
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems."
Well, that settles that.