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06 February 2010

In other "Cash for Life" news

Omar Khadr remains in Guantanamo Bay, but his Canadian lawyers are already seeking $10-million in damages from the Canadian government for its alleged complicity in his ordeal.
Look on the bright side... at least, it's not 27 million.


“The biggest problem with the new charter is it eliminated monthly benefits for injured vets in favour of a lump sum,” said Francine Matteau, the mother of Afghanistan veteran Nicolas Magnan, who was handicapped in both legs following a roadside bomb explosion in August 2007.

Matteau said the lump amount is “a monumental error” that is “not only insufficient” — the maximum disability lump sum is $276,000 — but the government fights tooth and nail to give “as little as possible” and injured vets are left without any safety net.
Oh, Canada.



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