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02 February 2010

In Dalton McGuinty's socialist paradise...

...there really is no such thing as a bad boy...
The Ministry of the Attorney General is tight-lipped as to why a knife-wielding tenant of a Brampton apartment was released on bail and allowed to return to the same building where he allegedly terrorized a couple.

Bruce Paterson, 51, was arrested early Thursday after a bizarre incident in which he allegedly terrified Jamie Lee Roche, 29, by trying to force his way into her apartment and then allegedly lunged at her boyfriend while holding two knives.

“We cannot comment further as it could jeopardize the proceedings, which would be unfair to the victims, witnesses and others who are involved,” Valerie Hopper, spokesman for the ministry of the Attorney General, said in an e-mail statement Monday.
"'Others', Valerie?

You're not talkin' about the guy who tried to skewer and field-dress Jamie Lee Roche & her boyfriend are you?

Well... that's nice.
Patterson was charged with weapons dangerous AND RELEASED ON BAIL with a number of conditions that included he not possess any weapons.
And thank goodness for that... justice is served, yet again. I mean... Mr. Paterson has already demonstrated his respect for the law... hasn't he?
Peel Regional Police Const. J.P. Valade said Monday that police did not want to see Paterson released after his arrest.

“I can tell you that we opposed bail,”
Valade said.
As would any reasonably sane person.

Just another reason, folks... "Friends don't let friends vote Liberal."


RELATED: And BC came tumbling after...
Prostitutes fixed their makeup and adjusted their hair, while others used the mirrors for "jugging" — injecting directly into the jugular vein. It's a common practice, particularly among women, although the staff tries to discourage it due to the danger of hitting a nerve or an artery.

A woman sat up on the stainless steel table of her booth, pant leg hitched up, probing her calf for a vein. Others shot into their elbows or between their knuckles.

The staff won't actually inject someone, but they will talk them through it, even drawing an "X" in pen on a promising spot.
Good grief.