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03 February 2010

If this one is so cut & dried...

...why doesn't President McDreamy just turn him loose?
-- OTTAWA -- Mr. Cannon said the Canadian government will continue to monitor the situation and allow the Americans to make a determination. Once that determination is done, he said, “then we will see what the next steps are.”

RELATED: What would Chretien do?

Well... he already did it... and look where that got us.


LAST WORD: In other McDreamy family news...
Ms. Onyango showed up for the hearing in a wheelchair and with a cane across her lap. Lawyer Margaret Wong says Ms. Onyango and two doctors are expected to testify. The hearing is closed to the public.
A cane AND a wheelchair... this lady comes in guns-a-blazin'. Unfortunately, I guess she forgot her service dog & the people from Meals on Wheels.