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15 February 2010

Former Kahnawake council chief...

...repudiates community's repugnant "ethnic cleansing" initiative...
"No one's going to tell me who I can bring into my house and who I go to bed with," said the 66-year-old Mr. Delisle, who is ready to challenge the expulsions as a Canadian human-rights violation.

"Just because I'm a Mohawk doesn't exclude me from the Charter," he said. "I'm still Canadian."

"And I think this is an injustice. It's a racial slur."
Well, Alvin... it shouldn't be too hard to make your case... even the architects of this vile policy acknowlege the stark reality of their actions...
As news of the band council's action emerged, its political press attaché, Joe Delaronde, was on the defensive. "We sound like a bunch of Nazis here."
Yes, my friend... you do.


RELATED: CBC says... "Too many Indians..."

"...not enough everybody else."