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18 February 2010

The audacity of penetrating trauma

Chalk up another couple KIA for President Bam...
-- (CBS/ AP) -- Two sons of high-level Taliban military commander in North Waziristan, Pakistan may have been killed in a suspected U.S. missile attack Thursday, a regional source tells CBS News.

Missile strikes targeting militants have escalated in Pakistan's volatile North and South Waziristan tribal regions since December when a bomber backed by the Pakistani Taliban killed seven CIA employees in Afghanistan.
Read someplace that predator strikes are up threefold as compared to 2009.

Funny though... when it's President McDreamy pullin' the trigger... as opposed to that nasty "Oiljesus Bush-Hitler"... it all smells like newborn babies & candied unicorns.

Oops, I forgot... we're not allowed to criticise "The One".

I'm so sorry.


RELATED: Of course, Obama's doing his best... make it up to them.