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20 January 2010

Your obligatory MSM...

..."Multicultural Moment"...

So the sentence starts...
"More than 200 ethnic groups generally live peacefully side-by-side in the West African country..."
but it unfortunately ends...
"...although 1 million people were killed in a civil war between 1967 and 1970 and there have been outbreaks of religious unrest since then."
Oh yeah... the headline?

"Muslim-Christian clashes kill 460 in Nigerian city"

Sorry guys, call me wacky... your idea of "generally peaceful" is obviously a little different than my own.


RELATED: Ask a Community Organiser
The Youth Advocates Program represents the final stage of Alinskyism: its co-optation by the government-funded social-services industry.

Using a profile of past shooting victims that includes such factors as school truancy rates and disciplinary records, he has identified several hundred teens as having a greater than 20 percent chance of getting shot over the next two years.

The program will assign the 300 or so potential victims their own “advocates,” who will intercede on their behalf with government agencies and provide them with case management and counseling.
Good grief.