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08 January 2010

Who mourns for Aqsa Parvez?

It ain't the local "Muslim community"...
Her death struck a nerve with a local fire chief and councillor in a community they say represents "small-town Canadian values."
But enough about the decent workaday folk of Pelham, Ontario.

Let's hear from the Canadian Council of Muslim Women...
"I have some difficulty with what they are trying to say in the inscription. Maybe they are trying to raise questions but I'm not quite sure the inscription reflects her death."
Reflects? Seriously?  Heck, we don't need a reflection, do we? 

How about it, Alia... do you have any difficulty with this?
Peel police said at the time of her death that her father called 911 and confessed to strangling his youngest daughter in their Mississauga home that morning.
A word of advice to Islamic community spokespersons & associations... trotting out the venerable "all the other guys are doing it" defense... 

That just might not be your best move here.